Back artist stump nude photos case. This time the image, a dangdut singer who never claimed to live in the same house with Saiful Jamil, it reported a photographer named Tio to the Polda Metro Jaya. Because this is thanks to Tio, Citra nude photos posted on the website.
Following the report, (29 / 1), Citra admit that it’s nude photos himself. “But that picture two years ago, for personal interest, not to publish,” he explained.
And that time, the photographer who took the picture is Tio. Of these cases have often appeared. Some artists scramble when the photos’ syur’ it is on the internet, because he felt it was not a picture of herself.
Various defense is to convince the public that the image is wrong, on the grounds that the photographs were the result of an engineering technology and so forth.
But not with the image. Pedangdut this one openly admitted without a ‘facade’, that it was a picture of him which is not intended for publication.
If it was leaking everywhere, that’s another effect. But he made another image of candor than any other artist.
He tries not a hypocrite. But that does not mean better image than the other. He could have been honest, but also actions that can be embarrassing herself. And now we’re just waiting, whether he is really honest or shameless.
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